A Long-Lost Ottavia Bourdain Sighting

By Karen

Reader Bob provided a link to an interview Anthony Bourdain did with Adam Roberts that’s been out there for a while. Bourdain seemed quite drunk and pulled no punches in dissing the Food Network. But for all you Ottavia-watchers out there, the real action happens in the background. The top of Ottavia’s head bobs out of camera range right at the beginning, then she appears briefly a few more times in a strapless red dress.

I originally saw this clip uncensored, but the Food Network seems to have sanitized it across the Web because now I can’t find it anywhere without bleeps. However, there’s this translation of the bleeps, which is what I recall Bourdain saying.

And there’s finally a thorough first-hand account of the “Cook’s Tour of the Caymans” event at the Cayman Cookout on January 18 by Shinan Govani, complete with several pithy Bourdain quotes and a great photo of Tony with a new little friend.

Remember when the producers of No Reservations were all uptight about the blogosphere letting the cat out of the bag on the episode in the Philippines? Times have changed. NR fixer Louisa Chu has dished on every bite Bourdain put in his mouth while filming the new Chicago episode, which airs February 2.

I just checked on the status of my rendezvous with Bourdain in Durham on February 19, and there are no tickets available at any price. Tony’s sold out in North Carolina. Now I wish I’d bought a parking space in advance.

16 Responses to A Long-Lost Ottavia Bourdain Sighting

  1. Cindy says:

    Here are the still photos of Ottavia and her red dress (and lots more photos).

    Adam Roberts fought the Food Network to get this clip posted uncensored (the bleeps were NOT for language but for unflattering comments on FN). Shortly after posting it, they censored it and suddenly he was no longer doing the FN Dish.

  2. catsworking says:

    Cindy, thanks for that link! You really have your finger on Bourdain’s pulse. Better watch it, Ottavia’s into martial arts. 😉

    I may be wrong because I just got a glimpse, but those Getty photos might be of Ottavia in a more dressy red dress. I thought the one she was wearing in the FN clip was more of a tube top. She looks great in red, either way.

    I see what you mean about the bleeping, but Bourdain DID say many nasty things about FN and its stars. What got bleeped were his porn references.

    I didn’t realize Adam Roberts lost his gig. That’ll teach him to bait Tony when he’s lit. I don’t watch much FN these days.

  3. Cindy says:

    The clip and the stills were done at the opening of Danny DeVito’s new restaurant during last years South Beach Wine and Food Fest.

  4. MorganLF says:

    He was definitely hammered. Never saw him that s’faced without clever editing and voice-overs.

    Looking at the pics and clips of Ottavia see what I mean? Her hair looks like like a box on her head.

    In person she is so much cuter at least that’s my observation after getting up real close in Atlantic City…ugh a place that shall forever be linked to my worst ever birthday!

    Just got back from the aforementioned gulag (had to do trade show duty for my job)I was sick with a mean cold and fever, pained from standing ten hour days in the booth (with nowhere to sit)and to top things off on my birthday and I took a swan dive on the convention floor in front of hundreds….well a lot anyway.

    I twisted my ankle badly and had to gimp, snotting and crying, in the pouring wind & rain across the street to my lonely hotel room ( hours from home).

    So here I sit in a soft cast with my leg elevated nursing douche-chills and a Buick sized ankle…

  5. catsworking says:

    Oh, Morgan, I’m so sorry! I wondered where you’ve been. Happy birthday, by the way. Did you fall at the trade show or faint? Either way, how embarrassing.

    Ottavia’s hairstyle definitely has a Cleopatra thing going that doesn’t always come off well in photos, but I’m sure it’s cute in person. Her hair looks beautiful, thick and glossy.

    My hair used to be like that until menopause hit. The hairdresser tells me it’s still very thick, but each strand has gotten so fine, if I’m not wearing my glasses I can’t see them. After I get ready in the morning, I think I’m leaving the bathroom all tidy, only to return later in the day wearing my glasses to find that it looks like I plucked a gorilla in the sink.

  6. Adele says:

    Happy Birthday, Morgan. Hope you get over your cold; your ankle heals fast, and you can really celebrate soon. The illness in my house has been my computer — who knows if I’ll even be able to post this?

    Karen and Bob, somehow I missed the Bourdain rant, and it was a good one. He certainly was s#*t-faced and couldn’t hide it. I kind of like Ottavia’s hair; it’s kind of a 60’s throwback, but she wears it well and obviously has great hair. Karen, I know what you mean about post-menopausal hair. My hair is still fairly thick, except in the front, and the texture is different. I have no idea how grey it would be, though, and I intend to keep it dark until the Rose Kennedy comparisons are unavoidable.

    I was a little surprised at some of TB’s Chicago stops. It’s certainly a hot dog-centric show, which is fine, but I’m shocked that he didn’t go to Uno’s for his Chicago-style pizza; it was the first, after all. And knowing his love of grit and Asian food, I’m surprised no one turned him on to Argyle street. It’s on our north side, kind of seedy, and lined for about 2 blocks with Vietnamese, Chinese, and even a Cambodian restaurant. Oh well, he didn’t pick me to be his fixer.

    Since I’ll be lucky if I get one post in, let me just say to Fred that the analysis of the bankers was quite good. Fred’s becoming quite the financial reporter — maybe he’ll get the call from Obama.

    How about our ex-governor? The only thing I’ll miss is the hairdo.

  7. catsworking says:

    Welcome back, Adele. Glad to hear the problem was only your computer. They can replaced. You cannot.

    Fred has been glued to the TV all day waiting for Nicanor, Barbaro’s brother, to run his maiden race, but I just found that the race should have run an hour ago, so he may have missed it. Stupid horse-racing channel hasn’t even mentioned it. Fred’s frantic.

    We should all be so lucky to have hair like the dear departed demented Blogo, although the bangs are a bit on the thick side. I, too, intend to remain a brunette until the Liza Minnelli jokes start.

  8. Adele says:

    Thanks to my computer issues, this may be a duplicate post. I’m sure Fred’s heard by now that Nicanor had a bad finish — I think he came in 10th. My sister and I were talking about Nicanor, today (even now, neither of us can think about Barbaro without tearing up), and I said, “I’m sure Fred will be watching the race.” My sister asked who Fred was; I told her, and now I’m sure she’s convinced that my trip to senile dementia will be very, very short. I just hope she hasn’t sent the guys from the laughing academy to pick me up.

  9. catsworking says:

    I felt so sorry for Fred yesterday. He hung around the living room all day and I kept the TV on the horse racing channel, but I didn’t ever see them go to Gulfstream Park, so I don’t think they showed Nicanor’s race. I finally found in the Miami Herald online that the race was supposed to run at 4:43 p.m., and it was about an hour after that, but the results were nowhere.

    Fortunately, I remembered Fred had found a big story Katie Couric did on Nicanor, so we turned the evening news to CBS, and sure enough, they did the follow-up and delivered the bad news. But that story said he came in 10th, and today’s paper said 9th. Either way, not good. CBS also said they thought he may have hurt his foot almost right out of the gate, but Fred hasn’t checked into that yet.

    He’s very disappointed because he really loved Barbaro and hoped his little bro would become his next idol. Of course, maybe this first race was a fluke and Nic will go on to great things, but Barbaro won HIS first race at Gulfstream.

    If Nicanor doesn’t pan out, there’s always the NEXT brother, Lentenor, coming along next year.

    Fred doesn’t see why your sister should think it strange that he’s a fan of horse racing. He’s genetically incapable of getting into dog racing, and there’s no such thing as cat racing! 😉

    If the guys with the really long-sleeved jacket show up, tell them to give Fred a call before they take you away. He’ll vouch for you and explain everything.

  10. louisachu says:

    Karen – thanks to you and the cats for the link to my article. Just a reminder that the Chicago episode airs tonight, Feb 2 at 9 p.m. CT/10 p.m. ET. It’s no Kitty Halftime but hope you all watch. 😉

    Adele – we only did one hot dog place – Hot Doug’s. At Fat Johnnie’s we showed the Mother-in-Law – a Chicago-style tamale dressed like a Chicago dog plus smothered in chili. As for Chicago-style pan/deep-dish pizza, Burt is on a whole other level – he’s a master pizza artisan. We did stop just off Argyle at a Vietnamese restaurant for a crew meal but we just have so much good food in Chicago and only an hour to show it.

  11. catsworking says:

    Louisa, ever since my cats saw a picture of Bourdain’s cat, they have been fans and we never miss No Reservations.

    I watched the preview of Tony and the pan pizza, and must say I was kind of shocked by his attitude. What’s not to like about having even more of a good thing? I’ve been craving pizza ever since I saw it.

    I once spent a few days in Chicago on business, and what I remember most vividly is the food. Even though I didn’t get out much, I didn’t have a single meal that wasn’t outstanding by Richmond VA standards, including a sub I got from room service in my chain hotel and a breakfast in the restaurant. You guys really know how to cook!

  12. Adele says:

    Wow Karen, pretty cool that Louisa Chu reads Cats Working. I hope you get back to Chicago some time. We really do have great food, here, and although I don’t frequent them much any more, great neighborhood bars. We don’t have the history of the east coast, but except for the weather, I’ve always loved Chicago. I’d be happy to be your “fixer” on a restaurant and history tour. We could even visit Al Capone’s grave, if you wanted to.

    Louisa, I read your stuff whenever I can. Your interview with Michael Ruhlman was great. And you’ve raised my curiosity about Burt’s. Guess I’ll be making a trip to Morton Grove. I’m glad you got Tony to Argyle Street. It’s one of my favorite stops; in fact, I now crave a bowl of pho. Looking forward to tonight’s episode.

  13. catsworking says:

    Adele, Bourdain just blogged about the Chicago episode and he heaped great scorn on a place called Uno. Isn’t that the place you mentioned he should have gone? Is it a chain restaurant?

    I doubt Louisa Chu reads Cats Working regularly. She probably just got notified on her blog that I linked to it, so came over to check out what I was doing. I do the same thing if I notice an incoming link.

    My uncle is the state’s attorney for Will County, so you never know. I could end up visiting Chicago one day. From what little I saw of it the first time, I’ve always wanted to return and explore, and you can be my fixer.

  14. MorganLF says:

    Thanks Adele. Hobbled into work today..let’s just say birthdays were never my thing anyway so talk about anticlimactic…As for UNO, I absolutely adore the chunky tomato & basil. The crust is flaky and it is delicious!! They are a chain and we have one nearby, with a salad it is truly a meal. Not a thing like a “utilitarian” (to quote Bourdain) Neapolitan slice, which also has its attributes and I must have a slice and a coke at least once a week. My visits to Chicago were limited to a few trade shows in Oak Park, but I must say it is the first place I had roasted garlic spread on ciabbata…delicious!

  15. Adele says:

    Actually, Pizzeria Uno in Chicago isn’t part of a chain. I’ve been in other cities (Las Vegas and Tucson), and I’ve seen Uno’s pizza. Our Uno’s was founded in 1947, I think, and the legend goes that a returning GI wanted to duplicate the pizza experience he’d had in Italy — with a Chicago twist. Hence the deep dish. Truthfully I prefer, very thin crust, crispy pizza, but every so often, nostalgia strikes, and I like to go to Uno — it’s kind of a dive, and I look for my initials, which I carved when I was in high school.

    Glad you’re feeling better, Morgan, and I’ll be happy to be your fixer, as well, if you ever get to Chicago.

  16. catsworking says:

    Thanks for clearing that up, Adele. So I wonder why Bourdain was so down on the place, if he was talking about the same one?

    I’m good with pizza any way I can get it, although sometimes the crust on deep-dish can be really lousy. I also like a thin crispy crust. But there was an episode of Sex & the City where Steve and Miranda bought these huge slices of NY cheese pizza, and I’ve got to say it had my mouth watering for some. I had something along that line in Boston last year and it was wonderful.

    When it comes to good pizza, the pickings are slim in Richmond, although we do have one place called Bottom’s Up that’s locally renowned, but it’s in a part of town I never visit.

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